Heart Felt

I am reading the Bible chronologically in 2024. The beginning of January is the books of Genesis and Job.

I have studied the book of Job many times as a minister and teacher. It never fails to reach me.

I understand most people do not care to read the book. It’s is as if by reading it, fear of the unknown would come upon them.

Job said in chapter 3:25
For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.

So I get it, but having read it my heart opens up. I fear, but it’s reverential fear.

All I can see is the awesome tenacity of Job to remain loyal and faithful to God. My hope is that I am inspired & encouraged in my faith to do the same in my journey to freedom.

In 2021, I came near death through covid pneumonia. In the ICU for 4 days, on the floor for 4 more, and throughout many months of recovery at home, I never felt the presence of God as strong as I did then. I never had so many inner talks with God, received so much revelation as I did during that time. I also never felt so much love from Jesus.

Honestly my family became the church to me. They showed so much love and care and did not quit until I was recovered. Anything we had need of was supplied. Jesus shined through them.

I admit, I would might have asked why, if Jesus had not met with me in the emergency room and said to me “ I’ve already healed you.”

That still small voice kept me from wondering why and helped me focus on the process of healing.

His word relieved some of the ‘unknown ‘ in my mind, but I did not know the length of time that I would suffer through the loss of cognitive function, loss of gait, head to toe rashes and loss of hair. It was stressful to both myself, my husband, and my family.

Along side the unknown was a knowing that I can’t explain. I fully felt the providential care of God. I felt blessing among the thorns, and beauty from the ashes.

In no way do I compare myself to the persecution of Job, or the sacrifices of Christ. I do want to make clear however, we are not exempt from experiencing suffering on earth. I believe any person that reads the Bible has that clarity.

What I think I missed before I encountered the demonic Covid was the fact that in the midst of trials and tribulations, that a decision to trust must remain at the forefront of our faith. And when our faith wavers, we must remember through our faith we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We through our salvation by faith have the mind of Christ. Bought and paid for in full.

Making a decision to follow Christ is vital. He doesn’t belittle us, quite the contrary, he says have the faith of a child.

Life is a journey that is best traveled in trust knowing God is with us. We have the redeemer that Job longed for on the inside of us!

This is so heart felt as I read Jobs testimony.

Job 13:25

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him

I see the passion for Christ in Job long before Christ appeared on earth. I feel with my whole heart the longing for a coming redeemer.

Job 19: 25 For I know that my Redeemer lives,
and at the last he will stand upon the earth.

As the horrible persecution continues in Job my heart feels the pressure and I cheer when he declares in chapter 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

I can hardly bear to wait for the ending so who’s to keep me from skipping to the end. I read the end from the beginning and my heart sighs at Jobs determination in chapter 28: 28 when he says; “ Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
and to turn away from evil is understanding.

My heart felt those words.

I conclude this: The soul of man is precious in Gods sight. The only way to live here on earth is through the breath of the almighty.

Dear God. I have no desire to be as the friends of Job.

Dear God. My greatest desire is to be a friend of God.

So much scripture sounded right as Jobs friend began to try to comfort him in his tribulation. I think as I read the discourse, they should have remained silent.

And then again, the these beautiful passages of hope, trust, and wisdom would not be here for us today to assuage our pain, as we endure the true evil of Gods adversary.

Make no mistake here.

Job persecution was a type of the sacrifice we as believers endure as we seek the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

The truth is the devil motives have not changed and there is nothing new under the sun.

The same evil that attacked Job is the same spiritual evil that would test and attack our savior Jesus Christ.

Job was righteous and he saw through the portal of time and knew that his redeemer lived and was coming. He knew that he was being tried and if he hung on in trust God would avenge him.

Job reverenced God and though he questioned the validity of his persecution in anger, he never cursed God.

That’s deep soul love. Soul to soul trust. That’s sacrificial love that chose to let patience have her perfect work.

In Job we feel the Spirit of Prophecy, the living breath of a Redeemer coming to see about his brother.

The New Covenant would eventually come and show forth the providence of God.

Job not knowing what we know said, “Though he slay me, still I will trust,”

My thoughts go to the cross when Jesus says to his father “ Unto you I entrust my Spirit.”

Luke 23: 46 Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.

We might make this declaration today. ‘Until my last breath, Jesus I trust in you!’

Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

A declaration, a determination, to unlimit our faith.

Unlimited Faith goes the distance.

When a Dream Becomes a Legacy

In the picture above this Pastor is encouraging the family of a dreamer.

Their family member dreamed of this beautiful addition being built at Burns Assembly Of God in Slocomb, Alabama.

It was a touching moment, as their loved one was was unable to be at this dedication service. He was instead celebrating in heaven with Jesus!

This dreamer left a legacy.

A legacy that will live on as this beautiful building will be used to encourage others for many years.

As members of the RV Maps Volunteers that worked on this project, we did not have the pleasure of meeting the person who dreamed the dream.

That’s okay, we have a relationship with the same God.

We have the same faith in the hope that whatever we begin and entrust to God, will be finished by God.

This work is now finished and dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ!

We, RV Maps volunteers were blessed to be Gods vessels! We were and are excited to be a part of the dream!

The In-between Day

Today is the In-between day.

The day after the day, we remember the death of Jesus. The day before we celebrate his glorious resurrection.

The day between the cross and resurrection of Christ.

The Saturday, we remember as the day hope died for most of the followers of Jesus.

It’s the day after the torturous death of Jesus on a cruel Roman cross.

The depravity was beyond murder. It was shocking, criminal behavior against someone widely known, as ‘going about doing good.’

Have you ever thought about the in-between day? What it was like for those who loved Jesus?

Was it the day that hope died?

Grief was the overcoming emotion of the hours in between the cross and the resurrection.

During this time many forgot or never really understood that he promised to rise again.

They got the dreaded report. A loved one died. Except it was worse, the loved one did not die peacefully. He didn’t die quickly and by accident.

He died by the hands of sick, calculating Roman soldiers who did the unthinkable to a innocent man. They nailed his hands and his feet to a old rugged cross.

In broad daylight.

They weren’t just doing their duty. They spit on him, they mocked him, they did their best to humiliate him. They gambled for his clothes. It was to them a cruel game. It was morally corrupt, indifferent.

It must have been a sad relief for those who loved Jesus, when he took his last breath.

The suffering they felt, as he suffered, must have been beyond their ability to endure. Yet the love that kept him on the cross, kept them under the cross.

Then the next day, the in between day, when the shock is wearing off and the grief is unbearable. When the waiting, the unknowing of ” what happens next,” is the question.

What was that like?

As they waited in between times, when many felt all hope was gone, did they remember what Jesus said?

Did they remember all he did?

Did they remember the death of Lazarus, and the fact Jesus wept but he did not lose hope?

Did they remember how Lazarus came out of the grave?

As I reflect I see it.

It was there, smoldering beneath the surface. The love, the hope, faith.

It was a power instilled in them as they followed him. It was dwelling in each of them, rising, strengthening, empowering them.

It was Jesus with them, pouring love into their hearts. He had taught them faith, he had inspired hope. He had prayed for them. And, though they suffered for awhile, their hope revived.

That is what happened in the in-between day!

We know, because we also will have days of in-between.

The days when the worst happens. We lose loved ones. We experience set back after set backs. Dreams die! Life hurts!

What we can’t forget, is the in-between times are important for us.

We have to remember what God said. What Jesus did! We must know that Biblical hope is powerful! It is founded.

In those days we must remember, that suffering will always bring glorious blessing.

In those in-between days, when things are in between the lines, we may not understand it, we may not recognize it, yet, there is his character built into us!

We have his character, and when we hold on, we will rise again from the ashes!

Suffering is not a waste in the Kingdom of God. Suffering can, does, and will produce.

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know it produces perseverance,character; and character, hope. Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he had given us. Romans 5: 3-5

That’s how we get through and rejoice, even when the unthinkable, beyond unbelievable happens.

We have the character of God in us through the suffering of the cross.

Hope in the resurrection does not disappoint us!

We know tomorrow is coming!

We can get through the worst oppression, the worst depression, the hopeless tragedies in our lives through the hope of his Resurrection!

Because he lives we can face today and tomorrow! We can move beyond the pain and wrong, the worst that could ever happen.

Jesus did not stay on the cross! He did not stay in the tomb. He rose again by day 3!

We are third day disciples! We are third day followers!

A lot can happen in 3 days!

From the most excruciating pain on Friday, to the extreme hopelessness of Saturday, to the infinite glory of Sunday!

Sunday! The miracle of all miracles pushed through the veil between heaven and earth! What a glorious day!

The hope of all hope, the king of all kings , the savior of all mankind manifested once again!

He is alive forever more!

He redeemed us! When he came out of the grave, we came out of the grave!

It’s is the greatest story ever told! It’s not just His Story! It’s our story!

It’s the greatest story ever lived!

The cross still stands as a reminder. The in-between time helps to evaluate our hope and faith. The Resurrection is the day we celebrate!

On that day, the miracle of all miracles happened.

The best time to tell your story of redemption is today!

The Art of Preservation

I know the plans I have for you.

This is what the Lord of heavenly armies said to the captives through the prophet Jeremiah.

NLT Jeremiah 29

1Jeremiah wrote a letter from Jerusalem to the elders, priests, prophets, and all the people who had been exiled to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. 2This was after King Jehoiachin,a the queen mother, the court officials, the other officials of Judah, and all the craftsmen and artisans had been deported from Jerusalem. 3He sent the letter with Elasah son of Shaphan and Gemariah son of Hilkiah when they went to Babylon as King Zedekiah’s ambassadors to Nebuchadnezzar. This is what Jeremiah’s letter said:

4This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says to all the captives he has exiled to Babylon from Jerusalem: 5“Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce. 6Marry and have children. Then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away! 7And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”

These passages tell us so much about what God values and preserves.

Its a word to us about purpose even in captivity. We are to occupy, and grow.

In Family. In Peace. In Prosperity.

Marry and have children, find spouses for your children and encourage grandchildren. ( Calm down, I am speaking of praying. Ask God to lead them to the ones they should marry.)

He tells us to work to build houses, plant gardens, and eat the food we produce. He tells us to work for Peace and Prosperity for the cities we live in.

8This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: “Do not let your prophets and fortune-tellers who are with you in the land of Babylon trick you. Do not listen to their dreams, 9because they are telling you lies in my name. I have not sent them,” says the LORD.

10This is what the LORD says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. 11For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

I spent some time in France last Thanksgiving Holiday. My niece and I visited many museums. We saw beautiful architectural designs in the centuries old museums and churches throughout the city.

The furniture from the period of the Kings was detailed and amazingly well built. The paintings, the rugs, many of the Kings things, were well preserved for our century to view. We could imagine the lives of the Kings, as we viewed the historical displays, that were preserved through the centuries.

I thought about the Bible in history and how it records the stories of not only good things, the plans and promises, it tells you also about the things, that went wrong and were wrong.

Yet, the Bible does not release a sense of coldness, as the old churches and museums do. It feels alive!

As I looked at the history of the Kings, I saw the pomp and the circumstances. I saw the sadness of the eyes in the beautiful oil paintings.

I saw the Egyptian artifacts, the beautiful etchings on the jewelry. The burial boxes. I saw how they hoped to preserve life. I pray, they valued spiritual preservation as well.

I thought about how important history is to the next generation, and how we should never attempt to change history. The good and the bad must be clearly seen.

It warns us of deception, tricks, schemes, and dreams, of those not representing Creator God.

Mistakes should not be hidden, nor should accomplishments.

Through the viewing of history and the reading of the Bible, we can plainly see mistakes of the past. We should have no desire to repeat them.

We should have no goals to live as earthly kings. We should have no faith in a box preserving our body.

Riches do not bring health, or happiness. Focusing on preserving the physical body does not guarantee eternal life.

Knowing that God has a plan for your life, is the source of peace. Knowing there is hope of the future with him, is where we can place our trust.

We can build our lives around building a home, encouraging our children to find spouses and have children. We are told to multiply and enjoy life, not dwindle away. God has a good plan for us, to give us a hope and a future.

We must pray for the peace and prosperity for our city and the United States, for its welfare will determine our welfare!

As for Me personally;

The painting that I would like to preserve and hang on my mantle is priceless.

It speaks of a salvation so great, that the depiction of it, can’t even be drawn by a human hand.

It can only be written upon the heart by a unseen hand.

Unseen faith preserves my heart. It’s there, I feel it beating.

It’s a priceless heirloom. It’s my inheritance. It’s my legacy.

Therefore, I will wear it joyfully, and center my hope and future, in His salvation by grace, through faith!

I believe God will bring me home again.

My hope is that when my body ends up in a box, my faith will clearly be seen as having been lived out fully!

May it be said of me, “she believed God, and she lived like she believed.”

Be the Change

It’s a good saying, ” Be the change.”

Be the change the world needs!

I don’t know if the question is being asked, “what change does the world need,” but maybe it should be.

If I answer the question just for myself today, then I would have to say, “Overall, what the world needs most now is truth. “

The change most needed is for the true nature of Jesus to operate in each of us.

We need true relationship with the Father who honor’s the son, saying ” I commit all judgement unto the son,to which the son returns honor to his father and says, ” the son can do nothing of himself.”

(John 5:19-23 for more)

We need to be of those, who have the nature, and relationship of Jesus.

We need to be in true partnership with God to go to the next level, which is true ownership!

True ownership means to me that we rule our own lives well, own house well, and own our own mistakes first.

Rather being focused on pointing out the mistakes of others, we could be the change, through showing honor to God as we commit judgement to the Son.

The phrase, ‘get off your high horse applies here concerning judgement.’

I have heard that, ‘ though we may prepare the horse for battle, God prepares the victory.’

We need to be the change by being trained in righteousness through the exercise of our faith, and the learning of trust in God.

We truly can do nothing without God. He knows that, and when we know that, he invites us into partnership and gives us a desire to be servant leaders in the household of God.

Can we like be the change?

We can , but only if , we imitate Jesus. In doing that our focus will change and we will make of ourselves, ‘no reputation.’

That doesn’t mean we don’t have plans, or that we don’t practice authority over life, or that we don’t help guide people.

It means to me that’s we don’t set the agenda in other people lives.

We don’t seek to be the Lord of anyone’s live but our own.

We can’t change or control other peoples lives.

We can only be the change by being the example.

The example of servanthood. We have a servant leader in Jesus.

Being like him is a good work to desire. Being a elder of faith is good goal.

But the best elders have learned to exercise faith by waiting on God’s nature to form in them.

They best example is faithfulness through partnership, because we first experience God’s faithfulness in relationship.

The desire to hear: “Well done my good and faithful servant,” from God’s throne, should be foremost.

” Well said my good and faithful scholars,” may be more about pedestals we build trying to please man.

Oof. Right to the gut.

Because as I seek to influence others for the kingdom of God, as mother, wife, sister, writer, coach, I often have to step up on a platform. ( I am only 5ft. 2 in stature) but may I always remember to climb up to see Jesus, and for others to see Jesus, not to see me!

My prayer is that I know and remember, I am a recipient of His mercy and grace, as He gave his life for me as a ransom!

May I desire his affirmation over me, rather than affirmations of others.

Just thoughts today as I examine the true nature of being the change.

Prayer: Lord help me to be the change!

Rise to Live

I often quote wise and inspirational sayings as a way to encourage others, to rise from failures, and keep moving forward.

Many times, as I look at words penned by man, they give me pause. Because, many sayings represent a worldly viewpoint.

I have no desire to focus my attention on something that can only be temporary. My vision for my life is eternal.

Today I read this quote by Miguel de Cervantes, ” He can, who believes he can.”

Cervantes was a Spanish Author and Poet, and if it interest you, look at his outcome to see if faith in yourself is the best legacy to pursue.

Not a bad quote in itself. Yet, it’s actually asking you to have faith in yourself, which is a temporary solution, in a temporary world.

To be eternally focused one should give attention to the words of Jesus, who says, ” By myself I can do nothing.”

In John 5: 24, the encouragement of Jesus, in his own words, says, ” I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word, and believes him who sent me, has eternal life, and will not be condemned, he has crossed over from death into life.”

From his word, I have faith to rise, not just momentarily, for a season, in a temporary world, but also eternally!

Ah, the best of both worlds, where we have confidence in the author of faith, and eternal life.

When I preview the history of Jesus, concerning his outcome, I believe he died, and rose again!

When I have faith in him, I rise to live.

I believe in God, not in myself. I trust, that I will live life and life more abundantly by believing his word.

What do you expect your outcome to be when you leave this world?

Inspirations of Life

I draw inspiration from the beautiful mountains.

The first time I saw the mountains in Colorado, I was not just inspired, I was in awe.

I wasn’t prepared for the beauty!

They appeared in front of me as big, beautiful, priceless oil paintings. Yet, they were real!

I couldn’t imagine living in the area, as I could never take my eyes off the sheer beauty!

After a few days, I was less aware of them, and they became the background around me.

The gift of life is just as awe inspiring. It’s big, beautiful, and priceless!

Yet, as we live life daily, the beauty fades into the background. Our focus becomes smaller and we allow life circumstances to become rivals for the forefront of attention.

Circumstances happen, but they should never be larger than life.

We shouldn’t let the beauty of every day become our background.

How can we flip the script?

As I thought about this, I decided. As for me and my life, I am going to make it my goal to live a big, beautiful, awe inspiring life.

I am committed to keep my eye on the great gift of life, God has already outlined for me.

I may not be the artist, but he has given me my own will. I get to fill in the lines.

Honestly, I don’t think I can look at his creation without first thinking of Him. He is the artist.

I draw from that perception. I am aligning my view to his view. As I do, I see circumstances taking a back seat on my journey.

Sure they will be there, that’s a given. But, my present troubles do not determine my journey in life. They don’t have the right!

Troubles do not design me and you.

We don’t have to allow them to refine us. Only God has the right.

Circumstances do not outline our future. God has already done that.

We have been given life and life abundant. John 10:10

The present circumstances don’t determine where we can go, they merely determine where we start.

–Nido Qubein

View life like a journey, if circumstances determine your start, recalculate.

Have a big, beautiful, awe inspiring life!

Aligning with God in 2019

This blog post is a little different from my usual post. I am going to share what I have been hearing from the Holy Spirit.

I am doing my best as a daughter of grace to remain in the truth of his word. My goal is to encourage others in the truth of God’s word.

This post should not be read as anything other than encouragement to align with the Kingdom of God.

We must align with order and judgement as we enter the year 2019.

The new order will continue. I’m not talking about the new world order. It’s not yet.

Thankfully, our president refused to participate and put a big clink in that flow of things. Thank God for our our current leadership’s determination. May he keep ringing the bell!

Our country alignment makes our preparation as families alignment easier. We must get our household in order.

God will speak to the household of faith first. We must realize that he will judge his people first. We are blessed to be a blessing. To whom much is given, much is required.

Don’t fear God’s judgement. When God judges a matter, it is for your salvation. He is cleansing and putting things in order.

Judgement from God is cleansing under the covenant of grace.

Cleansing precedes blessing.

God will bring judgement as a cleansing, and not as a wrath for his people. God has not appointed us to wrath. We are appointed to Salvation.

Salvation is inclusive, meaning anyone has opportunity to enter eternal life, by faith in Jesus Christ.

We also have opportunity for deliverance, protection, healing, abundant blessings, but these benefits of salvation are not automatic. You have to press into the truth of His word and take it by faith. Do not harden your hearts.

Hebrews 3:7 -8 As the Holy Spirit says: Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, in times of testing in the desert.

We must believe by faith and we also sustain our promises by faith.

We have to remain in the family of God, with the understanding of Jesus being the first born of many brethren.

Brethren means of the same womb. Jesus is Holy, we remain in him and we are holy. As I understand it, the family of God, the Kingdom of God are in one in the same. We are in relationship, and we are part of his kingdom.

Luke 18:8 God will avenge his people, nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?

Should we not examine our lives and fortify our souls?

In that same passage, chapter 18 of Luke, Jesus told a parable about the Pharisee and the publican, as a example of teaching us that we cannot trust in ourselves to be righteous, and therefore despise others.

We as faith filled believers, should realize the order: the first will be last and the last first in God’s kingdom, in God’s family.

The kingdom of God is doing the will of God.

What we can expect as God continues doing things his way in 2019.

Expect addition to the Gods kingdom in 2019.

Those crying out for mercy will be justified.

They will get the same rewards of those who stood with God from the beginning. They will receive both mercy and grace. Expect it!

Don’t be afraid to pray for God to judge your family and your nation.

Merciful judging by a good judge is both cleansing and strengthening.

Thank God for his righteous judgement!

Again 2019 will bring: Perfect order and perfect waiting period. Expect it!

Be prepared for a marathon!

Lets be real, most Christians usually stay in faith with sprints! But, Lord, when we have to run a marathon…

We are in need of both his mercy and his grace!

Expect abundant mercy and grace for the race!

Just as His mercy holds back judgement in wrath, His Grace beckons us and holds the door open, so we might come into his presence, and receive his power by the Holy Ghost.

We will need his presence and his power in our lives more than ever!

His presence is your assurance that you will successfully run the race toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Don’t try to do it alone!

Be prepared for to make a stand for righteousness.

Avoid self- righteousness. If you don’t know the difference, ( it’s rampant in the hour we live in,) stay aligned with the word of God. It’s divinely inspired. Don’t let nobody tell you different.

Expect 2020 to be the year of multiplication. Double digit multiplication.

Glory to God! We have been aligning since the year 2000.

The number 20 biblically means perfect waiting period! And when we hit 2020 we will experience compound multiplication in every area of life.

20, 20 will be a season of completeness and perfection.

Think 20-20 vision!

Think Biblically, Jacob took possession of all after 20 years!

Think Israel, who had to wait 20 years for the Ark of the Covenant but they got it back!

Think, God raised up Deborah and Barak to give 20 years peace!

I want all 4 things in my life:

Clear faith vision

Possession of all our promises

God’s full presence abiding in my spirit, body, soul. Wholeness

The reign of Peace!

Come Lord , Jesus come!

The best is yet to come!

Unexplainable Glory

Part 2: I can’t do it without him!

Christ is the basis of everything, because he is the underlying foundation. He supplies the relationship by which salvation is received.

If we receive salvation without pursuing daily relationship with God,we lose the joy associated with life in Christ.

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit, for without me you can do nothing.

If we accept the gift of salvation without embracing and moving forward in our new life, we miss the opportunity to bear much fruit!

Life without fruit can exist, but it’s not very enjoyable.

Can a flower be called a flower, without flowers?

It would still be alive, but it would be called a stem. The stem can be healthy, but without the flowers, there is no beauty or fragrance to enjoy.

The sun is light and we need it to live, but without it bringing warmth, we would enjoy it less.

Jesus is the vine, and he is life. We are the branches. If we don’t branch out and grow, we will wither.

Verse 6-8 If a man abides not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered, and men gather them, and cast them into fire, and they are burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. Herein, is my father glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall you be my disciples.

Unfortunately, it happens in many followers of Christ. We believe for salvation but we veer of course, before we ever get the chance to enter the joy of our salvation.

If we don’t stay in the new man life, we branch out, or should I say we launch out from the vine.

When we launch out from our salvation and attempt to do life alone, that is when men, ( the natural man, those without new life) will gather us, casting us in the fire and we will be burned.

Think about that! Relationships usually cause the most pain in our lives. It’s not even the other persons fault, it’s ours because relationship with Jesus is the foundation.

We cannot do life without Jesus!

It’s somewhat like being born as infants, and not receiving the proper care.

Infants cannot care for themselves.

The ideal situation is when they have loving parents, or caretakers, that have knowledge of caring for the infant.

Love is the most important thing the new born needs. If that is in place , then meeting the basic needs is a joy.

Most babies accept this love and care without resistance. The result is that they will grow into adulthood with continual love and guidance.

Those who handle life the best, are the ones who remain in relationship and do not resist training. They bring joy to their parents.

Remain in the vine.

When speaking of having new life in Christ, we understand Christ provided all we need to live on earth, as it is in heaven. And if that wasn’t enough, He gave us Holy Spirit as our comforter.

Why then, can’t we accept his love and care?

Why do we move out on our own?

Is it because we are worldly? Maybe, it’s because we resist the faith?

Faith is the system of principals Jesus authored for believers to follow daily.

If we stay in relationship, relying on his written word for guidance, the daily process works to keep justification flowing in our lives.

Justification is ” just as we never sinned.”

If we stay in justification and do not resist the Holy Spirit, we will grow in the love of Christ and bear much fruit. We will bring glory to our father in heaven.

Romans 5:1 THEREFORE BEING justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

By Him:

We have access into grace.

By Him:

We stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.

By Him:

We glory in tribulations!

Tribulations will work patience in us.

Tribulation can be seen as growth spurts. In the natural, when children grow quickly, we call them growing pains. Maybe we should see tribulations as “growing pains.”

Growing pains are a part of life, in both the physical and the spiritual. If we aren’t aware of that fact, we may become fearful that something is wrong.

When my son was about 14 years of age, he had severe cramps in his legs due to severe growing pains. Without parental guidance he naturally would have feared he was dying.

When things go wrong in our lives, we have to be determined to look twice at something before going off the deep end, so to speak. We must trust that we will not die physically. And, be willing to kill off natural mindsets.

We leave Romans 5 for a moment, to talk about patience.

Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay or trouble without getting angry, offended or upset.

Getting angry, offended, upset can cause one to move out of the faith required to remain in trust.

James 1:3-4 Know this, the trying of your faith works patience. But, let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

I like the sound of that!

We must let patience have her perfect work that we may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Patience then, has a job to do for us. It’s like the saying, “work smarter not harder.”

The word perfect in Christ centered living means to ‘align,’ with God fully. It’s not you being perfect. That’s probably not going to happen. I’m smiling….

If we develop patience it works for us to align us with the wholeness that will supply all our needs in Christ Jesus.

Because God’s supplies liberally when we ask in faith nothing wavering.

His glory is unexplainable in that his love is unconditional. Most of us don’t understand unconditional love.

Nevertheless, we must accept His salvation through his unconditional love of His Son Jesus Christ.

I’m living the dream!

Unexplainable Glory

Years ago I went to the beach during the off season so I could write a Bible Study. I titled it, ” Unexplainable Glory.”

At the time, I was on a quest to learn more about the glory of God. Like Moses, my prayer request was continually, “God show me your glory.”

As a reminder of how he answered Moses, we read the passage in Exodus 33:18-23 ” I beseech thee, show me your glory. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious, and will show mercy, on whom I will show mercy. And he said, Thou canst see my face: for there shall no man see me and live. And the Lord said, Behold there is place by me, and thou shall stand upon a rock: And it shall come to pass, while my glory passes by, that I will put thee in a clift of a rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by. And I will take away mine hand, and thou shall see my back parts, but my face shall not be seen.”

We all want to see & experience God’s glory!

I remember saying to God, ” You showed Moses your glory! I know you are not a respecter of persons! Show me your glory!”

Now, I realize I truly did not understand the glory of God. I was asking for something that was prophesied in the Old Testament, yet I was redeemed under the New Covenant.

The mystery the prophets and priest longed for and prophesied about was brought in through Jesus Christ.

Romans 16:25-27 Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but is now made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophet, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith. To God, only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ.

The glory is revealed through Jesus Christ. I only needed to align my heart with the New Covenant brought in through his birth, death and resurrection.

God had mercy on me and revealed his glory to me during a communion service one Sunday morning.

As I worshiped, I saw a man beaten to a bloody pulp lying on the ground. I knew it was a vision of Jesus beaten, and crucified as they took him down from the cross.

I can explain no further. I just know I cried so much, I became embarrassed, I couldn’t stop crying. This was long before the movie, “The Passion of Christ,” That movie was a depiction of what I saw.

God spoke to me very clearly, in a loving voice that Sunday, saying, ” My glory is not what you thought, is it?”

I will never forget that! Ever! I will never forget what he endured for my redemption!

Jesus was the rock in which God hid Moses.

Rock of Ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee!

Jesus was the cloud by day and the fire by night that the children of Israel followed in the wilderness.

Jesus is my rock also, in that he is the foundation of my life. My journey is one of freedom. By his Spirit, I know that asking to see and experience His Glory, pleases Him.

He is the very face of God! His Spirit is all the glory I need to know!

The glory of God is His son, Jesus Christ. His dying on the cross for the sins of the world demonstrated the very nature of glory of God. When we have faith in God, his glory is revealed daily!

Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith. When I am weak, he is strong! He is life!

His glory is manifested in Christ birth, death and resurrection.

I see his glory then, in everyday life. When when things get tough, it’s still his Glory!

When things are great, its His Glory. It’s not separate. All things work together for good, for those who love God, and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

The glory is God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit in one person!

The glory is like a anointing covering the redeemed like a cloak. Maybe, like the seamless robe that Jesus wore. Because unity doesn’t have separation.

The best way I can explain it is that His glory is unlimited, and like a prism shining light infinitely.

The glory is powerful and yet gentle. It’s ever changing, yet unyielding.

God’s changes not and His word is established, yet he will move a mountain and make a provision for the sake of His Glory.

Perhaps we are his glory as we follow Jesus, and conform to his image. We are those named in the following scripture, those he foreknew, ( forloved), he also predestined.

Romans 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

The word brethren in the Greek means of the same womb. We are the redeemed, and spiritually are of the same womb.

We are born of the Spirit of God and are of the same body when we identify with Christ. We are translated into union with the corporate body of Christ though abiding faith.

If he allows us to experience suffering, he eventually turns it for our good. That’s glorification.

If we separate ourselves, fail to maintain faith in Christ, we will fall short of the glorification of God.

So I encourage you today to hold on! I may not be able to fully explain His Glory, but I know he will never leave us or forsake us!

I hope you are inspired to read and meditate on Romans 8. Especially verse 18, that tells us to consider our present sufferings, as not worthy of comparison of the glory that will be revealed in us!

We can’t lose! This is the hope in which we are saved!

Thanks for listening and the glory is still unexplainable! Let’s just take it step by step daily as we journey in our freedom!