Heart Felt

I am reading the Bible chronologically in 2024. The beginning of January is the books of Genesis and Job.

I have studied the book of Job many times as a minister and teacher. It never fails to reach me.

I understand most people do not care to read the book. It’s is as if by reading it, fear of the unknown would come upon them.

Job said in chapter 3:25
For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.

So I get it, but having read it my heart opens up. I fear, but it’s reverential fear.

All I can see is the awesome tenacity of Job to remain loyal and faithful to God. My hope is that I am inspired & encouraged in my faith to do the same in my journey to freedom.

In 2021, I came near death through covid pneumonia. In the ICU for 4 days, on the floor for 4 more, and throughout many months of recovery at home, I never felt the presence of God as strong as I did then. I never had so many inner talks with God, received so much revelation as I did during that time. I also never felt so much love from Jesus.

Honestly my family became the church to me. They showed so much love and care and did not quit until I was recovered. Anything we had need of was supplied. Jesus shined through them.

I admit, I would might have asked why, if Jesus had not met with me in the emergency room and said to me “ I’ve already healed you.”

That still small voice kept me from wondering why and helped me focus on the process of healing.

His word relieved some of the ‘unknown ‘ in my mind, but I did not know the length of time that I would suffer through the loss of cognitive function, loss of gait, head to toe rashes and loss of hair. It was stressful to both myself, my husband, and my family.

Along side the unknown was a knowing that I can’t explain. I fully felt the providential care of God. I felt blessing among the thorns, and beauty from the ashes.

In no way do I compare myself to the persecution of Job, or the sacrifices of Christ. I do want to make clear however, we are not exempt from experiencing suffering on earth. I believe any person that reads the Bible has that clarity.

What I think I missed before I encountered the demonic Covid was the fact that in the midst of trials and tribulations, that a decision to trust must remain at the forefront of our faith. And when our faith wavers, we must remember through our faith we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We through our salvation by faith have the mind of Christ. Bought and paid for in full.

Making a decision to follow Christ is vital. He doesn’t belittle us, quite the contrary, he says have the faith of a child.

Life is a journey that is best traveled in trust knowing God is with us. We have the redeemer that Job longed for on the inside of us!

This is so heart felt as I read Jobs testimony.

Job 13:25

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him

I see the passion for Christ in Job long before Christ appeared on earth. I feel with my whole heart the longing for a coming redeemer.

Job 19: 25 For I know that my Redeemer lives,
and at the last he will stand upon the earth.

As the horrible persecution continues in Job my heart feels the pressure and I cheer when he declares in chapter 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

I can hardly bear to wait for the ending so who’s to keep me from skipping to the end. I read the end from the beginning and my heart sighs at Jobs determination in chapter 28: 28 when he says; “ Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
and to turn away from evil is understanding.

My heart felt those words.

I conclude this: The soul of man is precious in Gods sight. The only way to live here on earth is through the breath of the almighty.

Dear God. I have no desire to be as the friends of Job.

Dear God. My greatest desire is to be a friend of God.

So much scripture sounded right as Jobs friend began to try to comfort him in his tribulation. I think as I read the discourse, they should have remained silent.

And then again, the these beautiful passages of hope, trust, and wisdom would not be here for us today to assuage our pain, as we endure the true evil of Gods adversary.

Make no mistake here.

Job persecution was a type of the sacrifice we as believers endure as we seek the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

The truth is the devil motives have not changed and there is nothing new under the sun.

The same evil that attacked Job is the same spiritual evil that would test and attack our savior Jesus Christ.

Job was righteous and he saw through the portal of time and knew that his redeemer lived and was coming. He knew that he was being tried and if he hung on in trust God would avenge him.

Job reverenced God and though he questioned the validity of his persecution in anger, he never cursed God.

That’s deep soul love. Soul to soul trust. That’s sacrificial love that chose to let patience have her perfect work.

In Job we feel the Spirit of Prophecy, the living breath of a Redeemer coming to see about his brother.

The New Covenant would eventually come and show forth the providence of God.

Job not knowing what we know said, “Though he slay me, still I will trust,”

My thoughts go to the cross when Jesus says to his father “ Unto you I entrust my Spirit.”

Luke 23: 46 Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.

We might make this declaration today. ‘Until my last breath, Jesus I trust in you!’

Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

A declaration, a determination, to unlimit our faith.

Unlimited Faith goes the distance.

When a Dream Becomes a Legacy

In the picture above this Pastor is encouraging the family of a dreamer.

Their family member dreamed of this beautiful addition being built at Burns Assembly Of God in Slocomb, Alabama.

It was a touching moment, as their loved one was was unable to be at this dedication service. He was instead celebrating in heaven with Jesus!

This dreamer left a legacy.

A legacy that will live on as this beautiful building will be used to encourage others for many years.

As members of the RV Maps Volunteers that worked on this project, we did not have the pleasure of meeting the person who dreamed the dream.

That’s okay, we have a relationship with the same God.

We have the same faith in the hope that whatever we begin and entrust to God, will be finished by God.

This work is now finished and dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ!

We, RV Maps volunteers were blessed to be Gods vessels! We were and are excited to be a part of the dream!

The In-between Day

Today is the In-between day.

The day after the day, we remember the death of Jesus. The day before we celebrate his glorious resurrection.

The day between the cross and resurrection of Christ.

The Saturday, we remember as the day hope died for most of the followers of Jesus.

It’s the day after the torturous death of Jesus on a cruel Roman cross.

The depravity was beyond murder. It was shocking, criminal behavior against someone widely known, as ‘going about doing good.’

Have you ever thought about the in-between day? What it was like for those who loved Jesus?

Was it the day that hope died?

Grief was the overcoming emotion of the hours in between the cross and the resurrection.

During this time many forgot or never really understood that he promised to rise again.

They got the dreaded report. A loved one died. Except it was worse, the loved one did not die peacefully. He didn’t die quickly and by accident.

He died by the hands of sick, calculating Roman soldiers who did the unthinkable to a innocent man. They nailed his hands and his feet to a old rugged cross.

In broad daylight.

They weren’t just doing their duty. They spit on him, they mocked him, they did their best to humiliate him. They gambled for his clothes. It was to them a cruel game. It was morally corrupt, indifferent.

It must have been a sad relief for those who loved Jesus, when he took his last breath.

The suffering they felt, as he suffered, must have been beyond their ability to endure. Yet the love that kept him on the cross, kept them under the cross.

Then the next day, the in between day, when the shock is wearing off and the grief is unbearable. When the waiting, the unknowing of ” what happens next,” is the question.

What was that like?

As they waited in between times, when many felt all hope was gone, did they remember what Jesus said?

Did they remember all he did?

Did they remember the death of Lazarus, and the fact Jesus wept but he did not lose hope?

Did they remember how Lazarus came out of the grave?

As I reflect I see it.

It was there, smoldering beneath the surface. The love, the hope, faith.

It was a power instilled in them as they followed him. It was dwelling in each of them, rising, strengthening, empowering them.

It was Jesus with them, pouring love into their hearts. He had taught them faith, he had inspired hope. He had prayed for them. And, though they suffered for awhile, their hope revived.

That is what happened in the in-between day!

We know, because we also will have days of in-between.

The days when the worst happens. We lose loved ones. We experience set back after set backs. Dreams die! Life hurts!

What we can’t forget, is the in-between times are important for us.

We have to remember what God said. What Jesus did! We must know that Biblical hope is powerful! It is founded.

In those days we must remember, that suffering will always bring glorious blessing.

In those in-between days, when things are in between the lines, we may not understand it, we may not recognize it, yet, there is his character built into us!

We have his character, and when we hold on, we will rise again from the ashes!

Suffering is not a waste in the Kingdom of God. Suffering can, does, and will produce.

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know it produces perseverance,character; and character, hope. Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he had given us. Romans 5: 3-5

That’s how we get through and rejoice, even when the unthinkable, beyond unbelievable happens.

We have the character of God in us through the suffering of the cross.

Hope in the resurrection does not disappoint us!

We know tomorrow is coming!

We can get through the worst oppression, the worst depression, the hopeless tragedies in our lives through the hope of his Resurrection!

Because he lives we can face today and tomorrow! We can move beyond the pain and wrong, the worst that could ever happen.

Jesus did not stay on the cross! He did not stay in the tomb. He rose again by day 3!

We are third day disciples! We are third day followers!

A lot can happen in 3 days!

From the most excruciating pain on Friday, to the extreme hopelessness of Saturday, to the infinite glory of Sunday!

Sunday! The miracle of all miracles pushed through the veil between heaven and earth! What a glorious day!

The hope of all hope, the king of all kings , the savior of all mankind manifested once again!

He is alive forever more!

He redeemed us! When he came out of the grave, we came out of the grave!

It’s is the greatest story ever told! It’s not just His Story! It’s our story!

It’s the greatest story ever lived!

The cross still stands as a reminder. The in-between time helps to evaluate our hope and faith. The Resurrection is the day we celebrate!

On that day, the miracle of all miracles happened.

The best time to tell your story of redemption is today!

Stop trying to be good!

I love the passage in the Bible concerning the rich young ruler. Matthew 19:16-30

The young man had a desire for eternal life. He went to the right person, Jesus who was the way to eternal life.

He addressed him as teacher. He was specific with his question. Basically, he wanted to know what good thing he most do to get eternal life.

Jesus said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments”

Then the young man wanted to know which ones. Jesus names off about six of them.

Why didn’t he name all ten?

What did it matter? Could anyone obey them?

Jesus was creating awareness here. It should have awakened a sense of need for God’s mercy, grace and redemption in this person.

The law is great as it helps us understand the fact that we can’t be ‘good,’ enough. It’s not possible.

My challenge to those reading this, would be to name anyone in the Old or New Testament that ever obeyed all of the commandments?

Besides Jesus, there is none. That’s the point isn’t it?

We cannot receive eternal life through being good. The commandments show us that truth. Without God it is impossible.

Romans 3:10, 12 “As it is written, there is no one righteous, not even one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.

It is a worthless attempt to be good on our own merit. It is impossible.

Impossible means unable to occur or exist.

There is no possibility we can get eternal life through doing good, or just obeying the commands.

The rich young ruler could not kept all the commandments. We cannot keep all the commandments. Again it’s not possible.

If he or we, were capable of keeping the commandments, capable of being righteous, Jesus would not have had to die on the cross.

The rich young ruler told Jesus that he obeyed all the commandments, but still he was missing something.

His next question was, “What do I lack?”

Jesus said, “If you want to be perfect, then go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.”

Want to be good? Obey all the commandments.

Want to be perfect? Sell your possessions

Want to have treasure in heaven? Sell your possessions and give to the poor.

Want eternal life? Follow Christ

The young man went away sad, because he had great wealth.

That wealth was his weakness. He was not willing to put Christ above his possessions. He left sad. He missed the truth.

Jesus made this statement to the disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again, I tell you, it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.”

I can’t help but wonder, what would have happened, if the rich, young ruler laid it all down to follow Jesus?

I didn’t have to wonder long because the disciples ask a good question, “Who then can be saved?”

Jesus answered “With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.”

God can enlarge the eye of the needle! Open wide the gate! And he did! On the cross!

Ephesians 2:8-11 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

There is such joy in following Jesus!

Inspiration for Motivation

A very motivated person said to me the other day, ” I need to stop being lazy.”

I had trouble agreeing with them. I did not see before me a lazy person. Normally, they are full of energy and creativity.

Lazy means unwilling to work or use energy.

I could sense low energy. I am a life coach, so it bothered me. As I meditated on it, I realized, we were not dealing with laziness.

This person had lost inspiration. They were uninspired.

Inspiration is so important! We need inspiration for motivation.

When we are uninspired, we show lack of care, and lack of energy. We slow down. We feel ho-hum.

Unchecked, we can mis-identify what we are feeling. We begin to dis ourselves. We feel dis-couraged, we become dis- appointed, and then we dis-respect, and criticize ourselves.

If you feel lazy today, I encourage you to evaluate your atmosphere first.

Are you uninspired?

If so, I challenge you to care for yourself! Take back your courage! Take back your energy!

Try writing 3 -4 things that would make you feel inspired!

For great inspiration read the Psalms.

You are not lazy! You are just low on inspiration.

Be inspired!

Look before you Leap!

Have you ever ‘jumped to a conclusion,’ without having the facts?

It makes me uncomfortable to admit how many times, I have done that.

There is actually a physiological term for those who practice it, “inference observation confusion.”

The term defined means, “reaching unwarranted conclusions without the facts.”

It caused realization in me, that jumping to conclusions is more dangerous than humorous.

I am not the only one needing education. We all need to work on finding factual evidence before acting on conclusions.

Our culture is suffering from JTC, aka ‘ Jumping to Conclusions.

Our congress is practicing it right now.

The infuriating thing?

They are supposed to be responsible leaders.

They were elected to lead, we the people, with wisdom.

The dollars they are spending , are not allocated to support personal vendetta’s, or unchecked theories.

That makes me wonder , what ever happened to good investigative, reporting?

Remember when, it actually meant digging for facts?

Where are the wise leaders, who step back and wait for truth?

Do we really need guides, who blindly, jump on the band wagon?

Isn’t that the same as jumping off a cliff , because others are doing it?

Parenting 101.

I guess we all know the results of jumping to conclusions. They either are uncomfortable or comical. Unchecked, they can also be dangerous.

They become dangerous when we don’t constitute checks, and balances.

Accounting 101.

Measure twice, cut once. Wisdom, no matter the trade. Basics, 101.

We need diversity with unity. We need checks and balances. We need to pause sometimes, before acting out our discernment’s.

Unless we are on a island by ourselves?

Are we on a island by ourselves America?

I have to answer that. No, not even when, America was discovered.

But, history proves we had some very wise leaders. We know this by the results.

These leaders had vision, and they developed it. They wrote it and called it ” The United States Constitution.”

Vision casting, 101. Write the vision and make it plain, so those who read it, can run with it.

Write down the revelation
    and make it plain on tablets
    so that a herald may run with it.

Bible, Habakkuk 2:2

Adopting it as our vision, and adhering to it, we became, “The United States of America.”

It was and is a beautiful, historical, and proven document, that provides vision, unity and diversity.

Are we now, “The Divided States of America?”

We are, if we can’t keep the true vision.

We are, if our leaders keep going by their individual feelings, and agenda.

We are, if we keep pointing fingers, and jumping to conclusions.

We will be, if we don’t do reality checks.

Where are our phycology majors? Could you speak up? Can you talk about how to be healthy again?

America can’t remain free with unhealthy leaders, practicing unhealthy principals, flowing down into the people.

We the people, need truth. We need balance. We need responsibility with other peoples lives.

We need to be America again.

The Art of Preservation

I know the plans I have for you.

This is what the Lord of heavenly armies said to the captives through the prophet Jeremiah.

NLT Jeremiah 29

1Jeremiah wrote a letter from Jerusalem to the elders, priests, prophets, and all the people who had been exiled to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. 2This was after King Jehoiachin,a the queen mother, the court officials, the other officials of Judah, and all the craftsmen and artisans had been deported from Jerusalem. 3He sent the letter with Elasah son of Shaphan and Gemariah son of Hilkiah when they went to Babylon as King Zedekiah’s ambassadors to Nebuchadnezzar. This is what Jeremiah’s letter said:

4This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says to all the captives he has exiled to Babylon from Jerusalem: 5“Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce. 6Marry and have children. Then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away! 7And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”

These passages tell us so much about what God values and preserves.

Its a word to us about purpose even in captivity. We are to occupy, and grow.

In Family. In Peace. In Prosperity.

Marry and have children, find spouses for your children and encourage grandchildren. ( Calm down, I am speaking of praying. Ask God to lead them to the ones they should marry.)

He tells us to work to build houses, plant gardens, and eat the food we produce. He tells us to work for Peace and Prosperity for the cities we live in.

8This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: “Do not let your prophets and fortune-tellers who are with you in the land of Babylon trick you. Do not listen to their dreams, 9because they are telling you lies in my name. I have not sent them,” says the LORD.

10This is what the LORD says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. 11For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

I spent some time in France last Thanksgiving Holiday. My niece and I visited many museums. We saw beautiful architectural designs in the centuries old museums and churches throughout the city.

The furniture from the period of the Kings was detailed and amazingly well built. The paintings, the rugs, many of the Kings things, were well preserved for our century to view. We could imagine the lives of the Kings, as we viewed the historical displays, that were preserved through the centuries.

I thought about the Bible in history and how it records the stories of not only good things, the plans and promises, it tells you also about the things, that went wrong and were wrong.

Yet, the Bible does not release a sense of coldness, as the old churches and museums do. It feels alive!

As I looked at the history of the Kings, I saw the pomp and the circumstances. I saw the sadness of the eyes in the beautiful oil paintings.

I saw the Egyptian artifacts, the beautiful etchings on the jewelry. The burial boxes. I saw how they hoped to preserve life. I pray, they valued spiritual preservation as well.

I thought about how important history is to the next generation, and how we should never attempt to change history. The good and the bad must be clearly seen.

It warns us of deception, tricks, schemes, and dreams, of those not representing Creator God.

Mistakes should not be hidden, nor should accomplishments.

Through the viewing of history and the reading of the Bible, we can plainly see mistakes of the past. We should have no desire to repeat them.

We should have no goals to live as earthly kings. We should have no faith in a box preserving our body.

Riches do not bring health, or happiness. Focusing on preserving the physical body does not guarantee eternal life.

Knowing that God has a plan for your life, is the source of peace. Knowing there is hope of the future with him, is where we can place our trust.

We can build our lives around building a home, encouraging our children to find spouses and have children. We are told to multiply and enjoy life, not dwindle away. God has a good plan for us, to give us a hope and a future.

We must pray for the peace and prosperity for our city and the United States, for its welfare will determine our welfare!

As for Me personally;

The painting that I would like to preserve and hang on my mantle is priceless.

It speaks of a salvation so great, that the depiction of it, can’t even be drawn by a human hand.

It can only be written upon the heart by a unseen hand.

Unseen faith preserves my heart. It’s there, I feel it beating.

It’s a priceless heirloom. It’s my inheritance. It’s my legacy.

Therefore, I will wear it joyfully, and center my hope and future, in His salvation by grace, through faith!

I believe God will bring me home again.

My hope is that when my body ends up in a box, my faith will clearly be seen as having been lived out fully!

May it be said of me, “she believed God, and she lived like she believed.”

Roses and Noses

It’s a well known saying, ” stop and smell the roses.”

It was interesting to me that this phrase was probably first said by golfer, Walter Hagen.

That makes sense, as the game of golf is focused on staying on the fairway, and keeping the eye on the ball. If anyone saw roses at all, it means the ball took a different direction, than the one envisioned.

Golf has obstacles. Water, sand traps, and the wilderness, are just off the sides of the fairway.

If you don’t guide the ball properly, and you land outside the green, it can cost you extra strokes to get back in play.

It causes tension, and your approach to the next hole will be affected, if you don’t shake it off.

So the encouragement, ” Stop and smell the roses.”

Stop and smell the roses applies as we journey through our lives.

There will be days when we don’t guide things just right. Days that we end up in traps, over our head, and way off course.

We have to come back swinging! We have to take a deep breath and take another shot at it!

Your are going to go out of bounds some days. It’s a fact.

Taking time to smell the flowers along the journey is a powerful way to relax and let it go.

There are often roses right under our noses. ( I know, but I couldn’t resist. I will probably take a penalty strike for that one.)

When living life tries to subtract, counteract.

Stop and smell the roses. Look around and see the blessing of life and life abundantly. Get back in the game!

The Journey called Life

I created this blog to write about traveling on mission.

We are not traveling full time, so during the times we are not traveling, I write about life as a journey.

Most times I am writing from a coach approach.

I just received my AGPC Coaching Certificate. I have been training to be as proficient as possible, under the A/G Coach Training Program. You can find me credentialed as a coach at agcoaching.org

I chose this training because my purpose is to inspire and motivate others, through amplification of the word of God.

I amplify the word of God, knowing it’s the role of the person hearing it, to also apply it.

The word of God is powerful and I feel privileged to speak on his behalf.

The vision of Jesus is to seek and save the lost. I believe he came to destroy the works of the devil. I believe he keeps us in this world, and we each have a commission.

It’s our choice and not a chore, to partner with the Kingdom of God.

The scripture that I align strongly with in teaching, writing, and coaching is John 10:10.

Jesus is teaching, and coaching his followers saying,” The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they might have life, and that might have it more abundantly.

We have to choose the side in which we stand.

If you want to steal, kill, destroy, then you subtract and become part of the problem.

If you choose life more abundantly, you add and multiply, and you are part of the solution.

I put it in accountant terms, because at the end of life we will be asked to give a account of our lives, to the creator of life.

You must know your purpose. You need to know what’s in your well. ( What’s in your Well)

Life is a journey, that is taken day by day, one step at a time. It helps to plan our destination. Having done that, we can stop and smell the roses along the way.

My goal for this specific post , is to encourage you to know yourself, on life’s journey, and to to take the time, to identify your destination. I challenge you to live your best life!

Please note what Jesus said in the above scriptures.

No need to be lost in the wilderness, aka, ‘the world.’

He said, ” Life and Life more abundantly.”

It’s a whole, other world!

We can enjoy life in the here and now, as we journey toward eternity, when we choose life and life abundantly.

Scripture mentioned. John 10:10, John 17, 1 John 3:8, Luke 19:10, Matthew 18: 18-20

Set your compass to align with Jesus, who is the word of God. It will transform your life!

What’s in your Well?

One of my favorite scriptures is in Proverbs 20:5 The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.

Purpose means, ‘for which something is created or exist. It can also can mean for which something is done.’

I notice the word purpose is plural, meaning more than one purpose, or opportunity, is available in a man’s heart.

If you ask someone what’s on their heart, you should be prepared to listen.

If you ask what’s in their heart you might expect to be shocked.

The heart is like deep waters, it takes listening to understand to draw purposes out.

Listening to ‘draw,’ up what is life giving, and life sustaining is, ‘listening to understand.’

The heart of man is like a deep well, springing up! It’s has plenty of life giving water.

Purpose is creative, beautiful, and yet can become overwhelming sometimes. It’s like the ocean, we can’t really swim the whole thing at once. We can’t even see land.

At the same time we cannot just shrug our shoulders and say, ‘ that’s too deep for me.’

That is missing opportunities to develop the purpose or purposes in life.

We have to set parameters on purpose to draw it up. There is a way to navigate deep and wide waters.

Like the picture above we have to be willing to ‘dive,’ in to the ocean of purpose. We can’t bring up everything we see. We have to sift through and find what’s most important to us.

That is developing our vessels to navigate the waters. It’s not allowing everything in the ocean or in our well springs to come to the surface. Only what is beneficial to our lives.

In that big, beautiful life of yours, what is most important? What do you need to bring to the surface today?

What’s in your well?

These are good questions, I hope you take the time to answer them today!