How to be debt free
Guilt and bitterness is two things that we need to be free from today.
The answer is forgiveness.
The Lords Prayer
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
The only thing that pays the debt off is forgiveness.
How to be Debt Free / James Merritt
1. Get rid of all bitterness, rage anger, brawling stander with every form of malice. Ephesians 4:31-32 Remove yourself from it.
(The real war for some people today are som are asked to take guilt, from other people’s unresolved anger. CS)
Don’t take the guilt.
Don’t take the bitter pill either
Drop it! Get rid of it! Don’t carry it!
Release it to God.
2. Render Forgiveness Your handcuffed until you forgive / be kind and compassionate/ a tender heart is a warm heart. /Cold hearts cannot be tender heart or kind. / You may have a right to be bitter but you still have to forgive / bitterness wants to get even. /Do you really want to be even? You don’t want to go that low./ Forgiveness sets not just one free. Both parties can be Debt free when you render forgiveness.
3. What’s the Motivation? “just as God has forgiven you.”
4. Stop focusing on what others has done to you. Focus on what God has done for you.
5. I’m forgiven. So I forgive others. God is our model.
6. What does Gods forgiveness look like? It’s free What did God charge you? Who did he charge? Jesus /We only want to forgive when we see an exchange
7. Jesus forgive freely and fully, and finally /the wrong is gone / you may not forget but you put behind you, and bury it.
8. Get forgiveness. Release forgiveness / where do we do this? At the foot of the cross
9. Though Jesus you go free/ he cancels your debt/ get debt free / stay debt free /

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